Most recent job postings at everyday reading
via LinkedIn schedule_type: Volunteer
Note If you clicked "read more" from the original posting above and were bumped down here, please scroll back up the page to finish reading the original posting. Thank you! Our tutoring program is learner-centered, based on each adult learner's personal, literacy-related goals, such as write an email message, help a child with homework, get a better job, or get a driver license. Annually, we... help about 250-350 learners improve their skills and Note If you clicked "read more" from the original posting above and were bumped down here, please scroll back up the page to finish reading the original posting. Thank you!

Our tutoring program is learner-centered, based on each adult learner's personal, literacy-related goals, such as write an email message, help a child with homework, get a better job, or get a driver license. Annually, we... help about 250-350 learners improve their skills and reach their goals with the help of over 200 volunteer tutors who provide 15,000-20,000 instructional hours. Reading-writing and/or English language instructional materials are provided to assist the learner with skill development, but these should be complemented by additional real-life materials, resources, and other practice activities to help the learner achieve their personal goals. Tutors are not expected to stick to a set curriculum or timeline but instead are encouraged to be creative and learn what works best for their learner, and what motivates their learner.

Help empower an adult in your community to reach their potential by tutoring them in basic reading, writing, and numeracy skills for everyday life, work, future education, and increased self-esteem.

This part of our tutoring program is geared towards native English speakers, although we serve English language learners as well. Learn more about the learners who join our program in their own words by watching the video below.

You do not need to be a teacher or even have a college degree to be an effective tutor for this program. We're looking for tutors who are empathetic, patient, and creative thinkers and problem-solvers so that this can translate to creative, learner-centered peer teaching (not top-down, tutor/teacher-centered teaching).

We are focusing on in-person tutoring again for this program area as it is generally easier and more productive for lower level adult learners.

Note Due to the time it takes to complete training and to find a learner who is a good match, this is not a quick-start opportunity, and we ask for a 6-month minimum commitment from both tutor and learner.

Did you know?
• An estimated 230,000 adults in Sacramento County need to improve their reading and writing skills to better help themselves, their families, and their communities.
• Of those adults who are unemployed, 75% have reading and writing difficulties.
• According to the National Institute for Literacy, 20% of the adults in Sacramento County have difficulty with reading, writing, and computational skills necessary to function in everyday life.
• The average adult learner in our program is between 30 and 50 years old, but the age range is very broad.

What can you do?

Consider being a tutor if you are 21 or older, able to read, write, and speak English clearly; have basic computer skills; and are willing to do the following
• Tutor at least once a week for 1-2 hours each session, plus some lesson-planning;
• Commit to a minimum of 6 months or longer;
• Complete pre-service tutor training and orientation;
• Complete monthly tutor reports online;
• Participate in tutor in-service meetings throughout the year to reinforce your tutoring skills.

How it works - what happens after

This is a volunteer opportunity provided by VolunteerMatch, in partnership with LinkedIn for Good
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